Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile to Get Clients

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile to Get Clients

Learn How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Qualified, warm Leads and Grow Your Business

If each individual member of your sales team is not on LinkedIn on a daily basis, YOU are losing business. With over 650 MILLION profiles on Linkedin and over 60% of those members active every day, using LinkedIn to generate leads and business is no longer an afterthought, or something to just try out. It is an absolute necessity for success. In this entertaining and informative talk, Allan Langer breaks down what everyone needs to know to optimize their LinjkedIn profiles for success, to generate warm, qualified leads, and what kind of content to post to attract ideal clients. Start the day as just another LinkedIn profile, and end it a LinkedIn ninja profile warrior!

Allan Langer — Motivational Speaker

Allan Langer


If you're looking for the same old sales talks or seminars, then don't hire me. DO hire me if you want a refreshing, dynamic, engaging experience that your audience will be talking about well after they leave your event.

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